Deeper Deeper吉他谱(PDF谱,电吉他)

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Deeper Deeper吉他谱(PDF谱,电吉他)

2024-05-30 08:33| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Just the thought of another day 脑海里忆起那一天 How did we end up this way 怎会落得此般结局 What did we do wrong? God 上天啊 我们究竟做错了什么? Even though the days go on 地球依旧在转动 So far so far away from 历史的轨迹与那天渐行渐远 It seems so close 却又似乎历历在目 Always weighing on my shoulder 双肩早已不堪重负 A time like no other 那非同寻常的一天 It all changed on that day 将一切全盘颠覆 Sadness and so much pain 悲伤、痛苦 接踵而至 You can touch the sorrow here 仿佛还能碰触到那悲恸的伤口 I don't know what to blame 我能归咎于谁呢 I just watch and watch again 只好空洞张望 黯然神伤 Even though the days go on 地球依旧在转动 So far so far away from 历史的轨迹与那天渐行渐远 It seems so close 却又似乎历历在目 Even though the days go on 时钟也依旧在走 So far so far away from 一情一景愈加模糊 It seems so close 又仿佛幕幕清晰在眼前 What did it leave behind? 那一天 给我们遗留下了些什么? What did it take from us and wash away? 又夺走了些什么 让其灰飞烟灭 It may be long 也许脚下这条路 遥无终点 But with our hearts start a new 但只要我们齐心协力 重振旗鼓 And keep it up and not give up 永不停止 永不言弃 With our heads held high 高昂地抬起头 最后一定会到达 You have seen hell and made it back again 曾跌至地狱的炼炉 如今凤凰涅槃 How to forget? We can't forget the lives that were lost along the way 一路上那涂炭的生灵 怎能忘?不能忘! And then you realize that wherever you go 突然醒悟 无论身在何处 There you are 心都将与之追随 Time won't stop 时光永不会冻结 So we keep moving on 让我们勇往直前 Yesterday's night turns to light 光芒让昨夜的黑暗褪去 Tomorrow's night returns to light 明日的漆黑也终将由光明取缔 Be the light 化作那一缕光吧 Always weighing on my shoulder 千斤重压落至我双肩 A time like no other 那绝无仅有的一日 It all changed on that day 改变了所有 Sadness and so much pain 悲伤、痛苦 通通袭来 Anyone can close their eyes 的确 你我可以选择紧闭双眼 Pretend that nothing is wrong 假装一切安好 Open your eyes 但请睁开眼睛吧 And look for light 去把那光明追寻! What did it leave behind? 那天给我们遗留下了些什么? What did it take from us and wash away? 又夺走了些什么 任其灰飞烟灭 It may be long 长路漫漫 But with our hearts start a new 但只要我们齐心协力 重新启程 And keep it up and not give up 永不停止 永不言弃 With our heads held high 高昂地抬起头 就定会到达彼岸 You have seen hell and made it back again 曾跌至地狱的炼炉 如今浴火重生 How to forget? We can't forget the lives that were lost along the way 那些涂炭的生灵 怎能忘?不能忘! And then you realize that wherever you go 突然醒悟 无论你身在何处 There you are 心都将与之跟随 Time won't stop 时光永不会冻结 So we keep moving on 让我们勇往直前 Yesterday's night turns to light 光芒让昨夜的黑暗褪去 Tomorrow's night returns to light 明日的漆黑也终将由光明取缔 Be the light 化作那一缕光吧 Some days just pass by and 多少时光转瞬即逝 Some days are unforgettable 有些却深嵌下无法磨灭的烙印 We can't choose the reason why 对于过去 我们无法质问天地 But we can choose what to do from the day after. 但未来的行动权紧攥于我们手心 So with that hope, with that determination 携带着那份希冀 怀揣着那份决心 Let's make tomorrow a brighter and better day 我们创造出的明天 定会更光明 更美丽




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